Short Stack vs Big Stack

ShortStack printing has many advantages over large quantity 

Advantage #1 - Environmentally Friendly
brochures and then ends up with boxes of them in a closet 3 I 
wish I had a quarter for every customer who prints a gazillion 
brochures and then ends up with boxes of them in a closet 3 
years later.  By that time their marketing message has changed 
and they need to print new ones.  The old ones needlessly 
used up our resource and will take up space in a landfill.

Advantage #2 - Low Capital Investment
ShortStack allows you to invest in your business instead of brochures.  By reducing the total cash outlay 
for high quality brochures, you have more money for the rest of your business.

Advantage #3 - Cut Through the Ad Clutter
Today's customers are so inundated with ads, though it is tough to get their attention.  With ShortStack 
Printing, you can version your message to specific industry groups so your customer sees that message 
in your brochure or other print material is meant for them.

Advantage #4 - Test a New Message/Design
Anytime you are creating a new piece, missing a typo before you go to print can be very expensive.  With 
ShortStack you can print a small quantity initially (it is amazing how often the mistake is found after being 
printed) and change anything after the fact.  Maybe you have created a new marketing message and 
need to fine tune it based on customer feedback.